


The Experience

A towering gilded statue of the Buddha generates elegant calm in this 175-seat, Pan Asian restaurant with sleek, modern decor. Immensely popular, Buddakan is a restaurant that is great for both large parties and intimate dinners.

Located in the heart of the bustling Old City neighborhood, Buddakan features two full bars as well as a popular (and hard to reserve) 20-person, lit-from-within, community table for sharing food and conversation.

The fare is top notch – appetizers include seared kobe beef carpaccio, endamme ravioli, miso tuna tartare and tea smoked spareribs. For the main course, delve into delicious dishes like Japanese black cod, wasabi crusted filet mignon, roasted ponzu chicken and collosal tempura shrimp. For dessert, the chocolate bento box will please just about anyone.

Be sure to make your reservation before coming to town as Buddakan fills up quickly especially on weekends. Better yet, make your reservation right now .

Food Nightlife Restaurants

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